Make Space and Listen
So many people are hurting, frustrated, traumatized, scared, or, at the very least, uncertain. That includes your team – and they’re looking at you. In this episode, we talk about fundamental ways to make space and listen. Your team needs you. Be...
How to Tap into Past Moments of Courage to Cultivate More
Cultivate Moments of Courage The best way to find courage, is to remember that last time you did the right thing and how it made you feel. Small moments of courage make it easier the next time. “All courage is a threshold crossing. Often there is a choice: to enter...
How to Lead in a Caustic Culture
To lead in a caustic culture, focus on your influence. It’s a question we hear after every keynote we deliver: “I want to build a Courageous Culture, but I don’t know if it will work at my company. It’s not a healthy place and the people I report to aren’t interested...