How to Lead a Team That Lacks Urgency
“My team lacks urgency. I’ve got to follow up on everything or we miss deadlines. I’m tired of babysitting. How can I ensure things get done on time?” Sound familiar? In this episode, you’ll get five ways to help get things moving....
How to Lead When Your Team Lacks a Sense of Urgency
People’s sense of urgency varies. Schedule the finish to get everyone on the same page. It’s a common leadership frustration that we’ve experienced and hear from leaders regularly: “My people lack a sense of urgency. I must follow up on everything or we miss...
Impatience As A Leadership Virtue
“Patience is the support of weakness; impatience the ruin of strength” ~ Charles Caleb Colto “Karin, we should be able to have this project done by the end of the year.” I listened impatiently as the team broke down the timeline, contingencies,...