Your Greatest Leadership Opportunity with Germaine Hunter
Episode 234: Leaders and managers face an ever-expanding level of complexity and demands on their time and skills. At the same time, there’s more of a need than ever before for managers to truly connect with their people – often across geography and time...
How to Stop My Boss from Wasting My Time with Their Bad Delegation
You can lessen your frustration and help solve bad delegation by aligning expectations. Why Do I Even Try? Declan paced back and forth, fuming. “I busted my ass to get this done. Made sure it was perfect and met every one of the project’s requirements. I met with my...
How to Lead Through Chaos without Burning Out You or Your Team
To lead through chaos, clarify what matters most and define reality for yourself, your team, and your manager. When you feel completely out of control, tossed back and forth on an ocean of rapidly changing priorities, reactive pronouncements from senior leaders, and...