How to Avoid the Most Seductive Leadership Mistake
This leadership mistake is seductive–we know because we’ve been there. It feels good. It feels logical. And it’s the fastest way to stunt your growth as a leader. Have you ever sat in a leadership meeting or training and thought, “Oh,...
One Surprising Reason Your Nonprofit Struggles to Grow
I regularly speak with nonprofit leaders who wonder why their nonprofit struggles to grow. They have a great theory of change, clear intended impact, enthusiastic donors, but … something is wrong. Here are a few quotes from some of these leaders. I’ve disguised their...
5 Top Leadership Articles for the Week of September 4, 2017
Each week I read a number of leadership articles from various online resources and share them across social media. Here are the five leadership articles readers found most valuable last week. I have added my comment about each article and would like to hear what you...