Employee Engagement – Avoid This Tremendous Leadership Mistake
Employee Engagement – Play the Game, Don’t Game the Score When you see low employee engagement scores, what is your first reaction? I spoke with a company executive who was upset with his engagement scores. “The numbers are horrible,” he said. “Can you help us with...
What’s Really Killing Morale and Employee Engagement
Janice shared: I’d had enough: the gossip; the veterans scaring the new hires; more and more people doing just enough to get by… And I was frustrated because we’d done so much to foster employee engagement. I changed out some toxic leaders. We...
Christmas In July: How To Make Everyday Magic
It was a sweltering July day, the heat wave had been going on for weeks. We only had a window air conditioner in one room in the house. It was starting to feel crowded. My mom had used up her usual tricks to stay cool the library, the movies, peppermint stick ice...