How do I Admit We Were Wrong? (with Video)
How Do I Admit We Were Wrong and Change Direction? “Hey Karin, I’m so proud of my team. We had such an incredible pivot. We accomplished some incredible things. AND as it turns out we made some faulty assumptions, and we’re going to need to...
Speak-up Culture: How to Encourage More (and Better) Ideas
How to Draw out Better Ideas from Every Member of Your Team You’re a human-centered leader working to create a courageous, speak-up culture filled with psychological safety. A culture where employees feel invited and encouraged to speak up and share their ideas...
How to Help Your Change Resistant Employees Contribute More
How to Overcome Resistance to Change: One Person at a Time If you’re like many leaders with whom we’ve shared our new book Courageous Cultures, you’re mentally indexing your team and wondering if they’re capable of micro-innovations, problem-solving, and advocating...