Leading Remote Teams During Uncertainty and Change
Resource Center
In our world of rapid change while leading remote teams, a courageous culture is your competitive advantage. Courageous Cultures provides a road map to build a high-performance, high-engagement culture around sharing ideas, solving problems, and rewarding contributions from all levels.
Welcome to our Let’s Grow Leaders Leading Remote Teams During Uncertainty and Change Resource Center! Since the beginning of Pandemic, we’ve conducted and kept up with the latest research and built practical tools and resources to help our clients thrive.
We share some of these resources here to help you on your journey of leading remote teams.
We would love to talk with you about your best practices and challenges, and to see how we might help. Please reach out to us at info@letsgrowleaders.com or learn more about live-online programs to help you and your teams thrive right now.
Working From Home Research and Findings
Communication Techniques For Leading Remote Teams
The antidote to uncertainty is clarity, which is why great communication is so critical when leading remote teams. From holding a remote great one-on-one, to taking your getting more creative in your five-by-five communication, to ensure your team is picking up what you’re putting down, these tools will help.
Hold More Effective Remote Team Meetings
People don’t hate meetings, they hate soul sucking wastes of time. Use these tools to take your remote team meetings to the next level and improve results while building trust and connection.
Training Your Remote Team
If you’re like most managers we talk with, you know you needed leadership development before, and now there’s all this. The need has never been more clear AND there’s a lot going on. You may be asking is this the right time?
What we’re learning (in the collective voice of our clients), “At this moment, we’re all having to learn radically new ways of succeeding, during unprecedented circumstances…this is the PERFECT time to learn new ways to lead and introduce the tools to do that well.”
Learn more about our approach to live-online training here.
Building Courage and Innovation in Your Remote Team
I.D.E.A. Incubator Guide
Are you hearing your employees’ best ideas? Every day your employees are barraged with problems. They cringe as they try to soothe customer frustrations they can’t fix. Or, they face their own battles with inefficient systems, outdated policies, and procedures.
Our research shows that employees have game-changing ideas for how to solve these issues but frequently don’t speak up to share them. As a result, you waste money and miss opportunities to create better experiences for your customers
Try out a few of our Courageous Cultures tools to help your team capture what they’re learning and their best ideas for a brighter, bolder future with our FREE I.D.E.A. Incubator Guide.
Courageous Cultures Book
In our world of rapid change, a courageous culture is your competitive advantage. From executives complaining that their teams don’t contribute ideas to employees throwing up their hands because their input isn’t sought—company culture is the culprit. Courageous Cultures provides a road map to build a high-performance, high-engagement culture around sharing ideas, solving problems, and rewarding contributions from all levels. Find it on Amazon!
A Deeper Dive on Culture and Leading Remote Teams (a few popular podcast interviews)
HR Leaders Podcast
Remarkable Podcast with Kevin Eikenberry
Game of Teams Interview with Tara Nolan
Additional Resources
We’re constantly adding new resources and tools on our blog. You can get weekly free insights by subscribing here.