How to Lead a Team on Different Schedules
Keep Your Team Focused and Connected When Working Different Schedules How do you build a high-performing, cohesive team when people are working on different schedules? Clarity is even more important as you get everyone working toward the same goals and it takes extra...
How to Develop People When You Don’t Have Time
You can’t afford NOT to develop people – but it doesn’t require hours. You want to develop your people but sometimes there’s just not enough time. In this article, we share a quick method of giving people the development they need most. And, how to hold deeper...
3 Problems with Your Open Door Policy and What To Do Instead
An open door policy doesn’t get you what you need to lead. The intent behind your open door policy is good: a door that is figuratively always open to encourage transparency, open lines of communication, a standing invitation for your employees to bring you issues...
What No One Tells You About Leadership
Welcome to the Hope Business If I could give a one-page orientation manual to every person who takes a management or leadership position, at the top of the page it would say: You may have taken this job for the money (it’s not going to be enough), for the power (you...