Workplace Innovation: The Secret to Getting Better, Remarkable, Usable Ideas
Why psychological safety is important, but not enough when it comes to workplace innovation If you’re getting lots of ideas, you’re probably doing a lot of things right when it comes to encouraging workplace innovation —making it safe, asking for input, and responding...
The Hidden Power of Vulnerability: Why Great Leaders Dare to Be Wrong
Why Is It So Hard to Be Wrong? Vulnerability is the Gateway to Growth. You’re an experienced leader with a track record of success. You’re brilliant at what you do, and you’ve got where you are today because you consistently have the answers. But...
When Values Clash: Overcome an Invisible Barrier to Great Corporate Culture
To build a great corporate culture, don’t ignore the conflict between values When it comes to building a great corporate culture, one of the most common frustrations we hear from senior leaders and executives is that “We involved everyone. We worked together to define...
Co-worker Won’t Listen? How to Get Them to Take Your Idea Seriously
Powerful Conversation Starters Get a Distracted Co-worker to Pay Attention to Your Great Idea You have a great idea. You’re confident it’s game-changing. Maybe it will reduce a big frustration for your customers, or save you and your co-workers a ton of...