High ROI Leadership – Schedule the Finish
Schedule the finish to reduce frustration and increase performance You’ve got more to do than time to do it. Your plan is going to get interrupted, and your interruptions are going to get interrupted. If you don’t have an intentional, focused way to finish what you...
Get Your Team Back on Track – Leading Through Distractions
Calm the Chaos and Get Your Team Back on Track Last-minute fire drills, interruptions, and real emergencies can become a permanent way of life. Get your team back on track by planning ahead with these five steps. It’s a common lament: “It’s so crazy around here. We...
How to Help Your Team Manage Change
Connection is key to help your team manage change. When you have a clear picture of where you want to go but your team won’t come along as quickly as you want, it can feel like you’re trying to pull a car out of the mud—it’s stuck and everyone’s spinning their wheels....