Make It, Don’t Fake It with Sabrina Horn
It’s a cliche you’ve undoubtedly heard more than once: Fake it until you make it. The problem is that the pressure to succeed can drive leaders to exaggerate their strengths, minimize weaknesses, bend the truth, and sacrifice the very authenticity that...
Massive Failures? What Great Leaders Do Next
What do you do when you’ve screwed up and everyone knows it? Your failures weren’t just mistakes in judgment…you let yourself down. You didn’t keep your commitment. You hurt people you are supposed to help. Your team looks at you with disappointment....
5 Top Leadership Articles for the Week of November 6, 2017
Each week I read leadership articles from various online resources and share them across social media. Here are the five leadership articles readers found most valuable last week. Click on the title of the article to read the full text. I have added my comment about...