6 Reasons to Give Your Team Better Executive Exposure
Executive Exposure is Great, Here’s How to Do It Well You want to give your team executive exposure but, if you’re like me, you’ve learned the hard way that it can backfire. After all, not all executive exposure is good exposure. It can be tempting...
Your Executive Presence – Interview with Hilary Blair
Do you ever wonder how you can have more executive presence? (And what is exactly is executive presence?) Join David for a conversation with Hilary Blair, Founder of ArticulateRC, an expert in voice and presence who works with leaders around the world to...
How Do I Convince My Manager I’m a Professional?
“Why does my manager care if I go directly to his boss with an idea? Good ideas are good ideas, right?” “Customers don’t need all that formality. They’re chill. Why can’t I just show up and give them an update?” “When...