Marketing After the Purchase: 4 Emails to Educate Your Customer (Jill Schiefelbein)
Winning Well Connection We first met Jill in person at the National Speaker’s Association conference in Washington, DC a few years ago, and she’s become a wonderful friend as well as a deeply respected colleague. She’s been an avid Winning Well...On Being an Entrepreneur Mom: The Inside Story
There’s no better picture to sum up this year’s entrepreneur mom journey. My kids are in it with me and I with them. Seb (8) is the self-declared Chief Marketing Officer (he loves to say CMO)….he tells everyone he meets about how I can help them...
How To Ensure Your Greatest Fears Come True
When you think about what it would take to do that extraordinary leap you are contemplating, what’s really stopping you? What t are your greatest fears? When Your Greatest Fears Make Your Greatest Fears Come True After a hectic, but fun, Saturday morning of...