Stuck in the Middle With You
The other day I got the kind of feedback that kicks you in the gut and makes your brain hurt for days. I’m sure you know the kind, it stings with truth, but you’ve got a gazillion counter points you would never say out loud, for fear of appearing to not be...
Leadership Credibility: 5 Subtle Ways Leaders Lose Street Cred
Improve Your Leadership Credibility By Avoiding These Easy Mistakes Leadership credibility is hard to establish and easy to lose. The sad truth is I’ve seen really good leaders lose the confidence and credibility of their teams by making well-intentioned and...
5 Ways To Make Your Meetings More Productive
I texted my colleague: “do you think we both need to attend the 3pm meeting?” He quickly shot back: “Karin, I don’t think anyone needs to go to that meeting. Don’t worry, I’ll represent both of us.” And there we were two...