The Reluctant Leader: Why Confidence Matters

Mentoring in Circles

In my earlier post, Don’t Get a Mentor, I talked about my preference for finding a mentor organically rather than waiting for formal programs. On the other hand, throughout the years, my favorite formal programs have always been in the form of circles. These are...
The Reluctant Leader: Why Confidence Matters

Nemesis Mentors

The natural tendency when looking for mentors to turn to people who look like us, think like us, or value the same things we do. It’s easier, and often precisely how people are matched in some formal mentoring programs. That can be fantastic. On the other hand,...
The Reluctant Leader: Why Confidence Matters

Won’t You Be My Mentor?

So, you want a mentor. Now what? Where? Who? How to approach? First, let me say this. I have NEVER been offended by anyone who has asked me for career advice , or wanting to know me better. I love to help. I have always said yes to anyone who approached me with the...