Hot Mess Leadership: When Image Becomes Dangerous
The term”hot mess” typically refers to someone disheveled on the outside with some redeeming qualities on the inside. Urban dictionary defines a “hot mess” as ” when one’s thought or appearance are in a state of disarray, but they...
Cheer in the Next Gear: How to Make Your Support Count
Each time a cyclist peddled past our corner at the Ironman triathlon , the woman sitting next to me on the curb would clang her large cowbell. No words. No sign of emotion. This went on for hours. It was almost a Pavlovian response. See bike, ring bell. She was...A Matter of Trust: Why I Trust You, Why I Don't
Developing real trust takes time. The people we lead come to us with history, memories, and experiences–they recall times of trust inspired and trust betrayed. When we are in a new gig, our teams watch even more closely. “Can I trust you?” “How...