7 Sales Skills For Leaders
Sales gets a bad rap. No one wants to be that smooth-talking guy pushing a vacation club or spamming us on LinkedIn. By the way, if you’re that guy, please stop, I will never buy a program from a LinkedIn spammer. But the truth is, leadership and sales have a...You Know You’re A High-Maintenance Leader When…
She doesn’t think she’s high-maintenance. After all, she’s just trying to do her job. In the meantime, eyes roll, stories are shared, the team loses productive time catering to her needs. “You’re the worst kind; you’re high...
Confident Humility: The Conversation Continues
Two of our most popular conversations on Lets Grow Leaders involve the concept of confident humility. See both of these related articles: 9 Ways Confident Leaders Remain Humble and Can We Teach Humility?. The active dialogue from your inspired comments attracted...