How to Develop People When You Don’t Have Time
You can’t afford NOT to develop people – but it doesn’t require hours. You want to develop your people but sometimes there’s just not enough time. In this article, we share a quick method of giving people the development they need most. And, how to hold deeper...
One Awful (but Common) Leadership Practice and What To Do Instead
“Don’t bring me a problem without a solution.” It’s nearly a leadership cliché: You’ve probably been on the receiving end of a harried manager barking these words at you. You may even have said them yourself. I’ve delivered many keynote programs and workshops where...
The Turnaround Factor: Digging Deeper
One of the most important leadership lessons of my life happened five minutes after I stepped off that stage. I’d been giving out recognition awards on my massive “road trip,” a 27 states in 45 days kind of tour of motivational kick off meetings in...