Breakthrough Execution with Patrick Thean
What does it take to break through ceiling after ceiling and innovate during growth? All growing companies encounter ceilings of complexity, usually when they hit certain employee or revenue milestones. How can you achieve breakthrough execution? In this episode,...
How Leaders Use Failure To Thrive with Olakunle Soriyan
How do leaders use failure to thrive? Too many efforts with potential game-changing outcomes are short-circuited by the fear of failing; people with huge ideas become paralyzed by “what ifs,” unable to see past the challenges of today. Shift your perspective and use...
How People Are Like Trees and Why That Will Help Your Leadership
People are a lot like trees. You can’t make a tree do something, and the same holds true for people. No person brings the entire package to their work, just like no tree brings everything for every environment that you could possibly want. That’s not how...
Standing Still
What does it feel like to move at 58,000 miles per hour? Well, it turns out we all know the answer and that even when we’re standing still, so much more is happening than what meets the eye. Hey, it’s David, and you’re listening to...