How to Encourage More Courage on Your Team (Team-Building Activity)
Remembering micro-moments of courage makes it easier to do the right thing next time. If you want your team to feel more courageous, remind them of times they’ve been courageous before. This team-building activity gives your team a chance to reflect on their...
Assumption Busters: 7 Questions to Propel Your Team’s Strategic Thinking
How to help your team challenge assumptions for better creativity and problem-solving In our Courageous Cultures research, 67% said their manager operates around the notion of “this is the way we’ve always done it.” That’s not just a lack of...
Navigating Change: How the Holidays Can Help You Be a Better Leader
The holiday season gives you a human-centered leadership map for navigating change Is your holiday season a time of celebration? Of bustling end-of-year stress to meet business goals? A time of nostalgia and reflecting on what you appreciate most? Of remembering the...
How Did Leadership and Culture Improve on the North Pole?
A Retrospective: Santa’s Big Leadership and Culture Change Is there anyone more beloved than Santa Claus? Today, the North Pole is a paragon of human-centered leadership and culture. But it wasn’t always that way. In fact, Santa has a lot to teach us about...