How to Deal with Political Conflict at Work
Navigate political conflict at work with a combination of clarity, connection, and curiosity When you think of talking with people at work who have different political beliefs, your first response might be like that of many people we’ve encountered as we wrote...
Feeling Invisible? What to Say When You’re Feel Invisible or Ignored
Powerful Phrases to Move From Feeling Invisible to Invincible If you feel invisible at work you’re in good company. Recent research by Work Human found that nearly 30% of workers have felt invisible at work and 27% have felt ignored. Their research also identified...
Confidential Information – What to Say When You Can’t Say Anything
Handle confidential information with candor and care to build trust It can feel like a trap. Someone asks you a direct question about confidential information. Maybe it’s a personnel matter. A sensitive business negotiation or a product launch. In all these scenarios,...
Creative Teams: 12 Habits That Foster Curiosity and Collaboration
Creative teams stay open to what’s possible and explore alternative perspectives. One of the fastest ways to get to the root cause of a workplace conflict is to show up genuinely curious about the other person’s perspective. Your sincere curiosity helps...