How Do I Succeed at a Promotion at Work (Even When I’m Scared)? (video)
Leap Into That New Promotion at Work With Confidence and Poise You’ve been offered a promotion at work, but you’re a bit scared. Makes perfect sense. That frightened feeling means you’re about to stretch and grow. Even if you don’t feel ready...
The Secret To a Great Leap
It’s been almost 5 years since that fireside chat. My friend “Joe” and I were one of the last few remaining at our campsite fireside on our annual church camping trip. The embers were glowing and yes, there was a bit of whisky involved. I distinctly...
Simple Gifts: The Best You Can Do is Enough
My favorite Christmas stories are the ones where a humble hero offers the best gifts he can muster. It never looks like much on the outside. In Why The Chimes Rang, a small child accomplishes what all the rich and famous could not with their extravagant gifts. He...