How To Be A Better Team Leader: A Case Study
You can learn as much from a bad team leader as a good one. One of the best ways to improve your leadership skills is to be the leader you want your boss to be. What does that look like for you? What are the characteristics of a great team leader? How to Be a Better...
Zappos, Leaders, and Cracker Jacks
Zappos has so many folks looking to benchmark their magic, that they offer a menu of ways to learn their playbook. Teaching culture has become a revenue stream. While the rest of us carefully guard our best practices, they offer you shot of Grey Goose, and welcome you...
Stupid Idea or Seeds of Brilliance?
The young leader came racing in my office, his “great idea” bursting from his heart. He had a plan and was ready to go. I listened to his enthusiastic outburst with mixed emotions. He had energy, passion, and commitment. Good start. But, it was a stupid...