Leadership Mistakes You Make When You’re Scared
Are you holding back? Is fear keeping you from leading well, advocating for your team, or confronting a poor performer? Or are you worried about making a mistake or how you’ll look? In this episode David examines how fear can cripple your leadership and steps...
10 Incapacitating Leadership Mistakes You Make When You’re Scared
I started thinking about leadership mistakes just after we picked up some office supplies. We’d left Sebastian, our 12-year-old, in the car while we ran in to grab a few things. “This guy opened his door and hit your car!” Sebastian announced as Karin and I...
10 Questions Managers Should Ask When Their Team Won’t Listen
One of the most challenging management experiences you’ll encounter is when it feels like your team won’t listen. You share your vision of the future, what the team’s capable of achieving…and are met with shrugs and silent stares. You share a new process to...