Missy Franklin: The Cincinnatus of the Olympics (a guest post from Greg Marcus)
My favorite character from Latin class was Cincinnatus – he was a farmer who became Dictator to lead the Roman army against invaders, and then returned to his farming life after the war. The fame and glory did not prevent him from continuing to be who he wanted to be,...
Label With Care: Creating Possibilites Through Better Personal Branding
How we label ourselves matters. Sometimes we wear old labels without even noticing. Years ago, I attended a diversity workshop with an exercise designed to get us thinking about labels. The main idea was that the more we talked about our differences in a safe...
Failing Better: Please Help Me Fail
Failing happens. Helping our teams to learn from failure can be one of the most vital aspects of our role as leaders. Even when the situation seems devastating, how we show up can make a tremendous difference in someone’s growth. John Maxwell talks about this...