How do you build a culture of feedback? In this episode, Neil Khaund, President and CEO of The National Society of Leadership and Success (NSLS), the largest accredited leadership honor society in the United States, explains why creating a culture of feedback is imperative and gives you specific techniques you can use to get all the information you need to build an effective team, department, and organization.
Leadership and a Culture of Feedback
Many first-time leaders approach leading through “I need to direct them, I need to control them.” It takes many leaders some time to understand that’s not really what leadership is.
Command and control leadership is a thing of the past. Our job as leaders isn’t to be the smartest person in the room, it’s to help others become the best version of themselves.
What is NSLS, what’s the work you do? Who do you help and how do you do it?
Leadership has not only an opportunity, but a responsibility to be doing that level of investment in the people around us, whether they are team members, young people in our lives, or whoever that might be.
What particular strategies or approaches are most effective in helping newer entrants to the workforce develop all that leadership potential that you’re talking about.
Ask for feedback, and not for the good stuff. Tell me what I can actually work on – focusing on this demonstrates to my team that they should be doing the same.
What does building a culture around feedback looks like? Specifically, focusing on the opportunity and then waterfall that through the organization.
Any specific approaches, suggestions, or ways to respond to feedback that just don’t make sense?
How do you handle receiving contradictory feedback? You’re really wanting people to feel heard, but at the end of the day, you have to make a decision.
Shifting the focus from saying the right thing to saying the honest thing that could actually make a fundamental impact for the business.