Many leaders find that it’s easier to be a human-centered leader when everything is going well. When you’re stressed or anxious, it’s easy to snap at your team, lose your temper and undermine the culture that you’ve worked so hard to build.
Getting stressed out or anxious from time to time is unavoidable, but you can lead through these challenging times to build a stronger and more productive team. In this episode, you get five steps to use when the stress or anxiety at work starts to impact your ability to be a human-centered leader.
Being a Human-Centered Leader When You’re Stressed or Anxious
Recognize what’s happening when you feel overly stressed or anxious.
Take a moment to remember your “why” and get yourself back to the purpose.
Reassess what’s happening and what your resources are.
Now you’ve acknowledged that you’re feeling stressed or anxious. You’re connected back to your purpose. You’re probably feeling a little more grounded. Now you’re ready to start with productive action.
Take a hard look at the facts. Reassess as you list the facts of the situation, examine them, make sure they’re objective that they’re an observable reality and not just interpretation or fear.
Reconnect with your team. Give them the facts about what’s happening and what’s at stake and the information they need to understand the issue. As clearly as you can describe what a successful solution will look like here. You don’t need to suffer or muscle through the problem on your own.
Read more on how to lead when you’re stressed out here.