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Leadership Without
Losing Your Soul

Podcast with David Dye

Transforming Fear with Gaurav Bhatnagar and Mark Minukas

by | Dec 3, 2021 | Podcast, Winning Well |

Most of us have seen fear drive short-term results, but it does so at the cost of high employee burnout and turnover. Winning organizations know how to reframe fear into opportunities for learning and growth. They create resilient cultures of unfear.

In this episode, Gaurav and Mark, authors of Unfear, give you the rundown about the impact and archetypes of fear in the workplace and provide strategies, techniques, and actions you need to bring about an unfear transformation.


05:43 – The problem of fear in organizations and leadership

06:10 – Consequences when you operate from a reactive place

09:27 – Why fear works in the short term

17:23 – This emotion is neither a good thing or a bad thing. It’s just part of the human experience. And it’s really about shifting the stories and the narratives.

19:24 – How do you actually create the space for observation rather than just collapsing into the emotion?

30:55 – Why, in many companies, the organization is there to serve the hierarchy as opposed to the hierarchy in the organization being there to serve the people, the customer, and the goal.

41:07 – What can we do first? The first step always is awareness. Becoming more aware without blame and judgment of yourself, just more aware of how you are showing up as a leader.

42:32 – This journey and relationship with yourself and fear is a critical part of becoming a truly human-centered leader.

Connect with Gaurav and Mark

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Leadership Training

Get the Book and Move Through Fear

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David Dye helps human-centered leaders find clarity in uncertainty, drive innovation, and achieve breakthrough results.  He’s the President of Let’s Grow Leaders, an international leadership development and training firm known for practical tools and leadership development programs that stick. He’s the award-winning author of four books including Courageous Cultures: How to Build Teams of Micro-Innovators, Problem Solvers, and Customer Advocates and Powerful Phrases for Dealing with Workplace Conflict, and hosts the popular Leadership without Losing Your Soul podcast. David is a former executive and elected official. David and his wife and business partner, Karin Hurt, are committed to their philanthropic initiative, Winning Wells – building clean water wells for the people of Cambodia.

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