Simple Gifts: The Best You Can Do is Enough
My favorite Christmas stories are the ones where a humble hero offers the best gifts he can muster. It never looks like much on the outside. In Why The Chimes Rang, a small child accomplishes what all the rich and famous could not with their extravagant gifts. He...
Who’s Your Leadership Pit Crew? A Saturday Salutation
Who most serves as your leadership pit crew? How have they made a difference in your leadership? When is the last time you really thanked them? Support Makes A Difference Last weekend, my friend Julie and I (along with our three, 6 year olds) had an opportunity to...
Questions of Influence: Asking Questions that Inspire Results
How can we best ignite change and inspire growth, when we don’t have control? Later this month, I am bringing about 100 folks together to chat about influence. We will create space to share our stories. And take an honest look at how we roll. “Because...