Courage Today and Tomorrow
I’ve been thinking about fear and courage more than I care to these days. I am watching my mother handle a poorly timed and devastating cancer diagnosis with grace, optimism and courage. We are all scared. We are following her lead. Everything is suddenly put...
Simple Gifts: The Best You Can Do is Enough
My favorite Christmas stories are the ones where a humble hero offers the best gifts he can muster. It never looks like much on the outside. In Why The Chimes Rang, a small child accomplishes what all the rich and famous could not with their extravagant gifts. He...
Lead Me Please: Developing Leadership Standby Skills
This weekend, I attended the TEDxWomen’s conference in Washington, DC. The theme was “The Space Between.” Women and men sharing amazing stories about the magic that can happen in the convergence of extremes. “One day you will want to say, this...