Why Aren't You Leading?
My friend ran up to me while we were waiting to pick up our kids. “I’ve got this great idea and I know a lot of people are interested.” I listened. It was brilliant. I was ready to sign up to help. But next she shared, “Nobody’s asked me...
The Input Paradox
When you take your leadership seriously, you are on a constant search for input. “How am I doing?” “What do you think” “How did that go?” “Am I on your short list?” Before I go any further, let me stop and warn you. This is one of those “do what I say not as a I do”...
10 Ways Fear Slows Us Down
Back in November, Dan Rockwell wrote 4 words that have stuck with me. “Fearful leaders need certainty.” Try walking around with that in your heart for a month or two and observe. Watch leaders you admire. Observe leaders you don’t. Consider how you...