Leading with an ethical compass may seem to be challenging in this time of deepening divisions and “alternative facts”, trust and authenticity grow more precious by the hour. More and more people find themselves driven to overcome the personal, professional, and social pressures of ignoring what is right in favor of what passes for ‘success.’ But what people want is truth in their decisions, authenticity in their relationships, and solid ground for making tough, ethical choices in business and life.
In this episode, Chris Gilbert, Ph.D. gives you the tools individually and collectively to achieve what he calls moral progress and bring better ethics into your organization, your family, and your communities.
Leading for All of Us
The greatest ethical gaps are where people’s words don’t agree with their actions. Finding the noble edge is that place where our words and our deeds actually agree.
How to connect people you’re leading to the choice-making they are doing.
There’s no right way to do the wrong thing.
Making money is a great thing. The questions you have to ask are how do we make it and what do we do with it?
Ethics are not something you say it’s something you do. It’s the living it out.
Research showed those that who are trained in Ethics are actually making lower-level moral choices than those that haven’t been trained.
Changing the conversation to be aware of different frameworks to support unethical decisions and why when leading it’s so important to avoid these.
How can we change the way that we think and shift from seeing ethics as something beyond us to simply seeing ethics as guard rails on a bridge, always there, protecting us on our journey, and a privilege?
What are the three steps on the moral ladder?
Leading with long-term thinking in business ethics and the data on ethical companies outperforming unethical companies by 25%.
Teaching companies to educate and build processes and systems where ethics become an innate part of the process of making a choice.