How do you transform the culture of a rapidly growing business in an industry that’s not always known for transparency and integrity? Join Simpler Trading’s CEO Brittany Burns and me for a practical look at how you can lead with conviction, build a culture of integrity, and focus on the bottom line.
A Culture of Integrity
2:59 – Looking at the challenges of leading in highly emotional settings where people have strong opinions.
4:12 – How important it is to focus on the humanity of every person, and to consciously think about what everyone truly wants.
5:28 – An introduction to Brittany’s company, Simpler Trading.
10:08 – A discussion of GameStop – what happened there and the education work Brittany’s company does to help.
13:03 – The importance of leading the way with integrity. How does that play out with regulations, decisions about marketing, products, and convenience or revenue?
14:47 – As you consider a culture of integrity, Brittany shares her benchmark to know whether or not it’s happening. Do people raise concerns and are they heard? Is every voice getting through when it needs to?
17:47 – Brittany’s “grandma test” for marketing with integrity.
22:17 – What Brittany tells every new hire as they join the company to ensure that they’re speaking up.
22:57 – Because of the culture they’d built, the pandemic pivot went smoothly.
24:55 – Why you’re always building a culture, whether you realize it or not.
26:27 – The importance of organizations serving their community and giving back.
27:10 – Why a great culture led to employee retention when other businesses were losing people.
29:26 – How you practice accountability in a positive culture and why it matters so much.
32:00 – How leaders must role model integrity and responsibility with a look at a specific instance in Brittany’s company.
36:00 -The role of patience for anyone leading change and transformation in building a culture of integrity. The result pays off in a stronger, more loyal, and productive workforce.
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