If you are (or have been) a middle manager, you know how tough this role can be. You don’t set the strategic priorities, but you are accountable to make it happen—often without the influence to get all the resources you would like (or need) to get the job done.
And every day, your team looks to you for support and a voice, which you may or may not able to provide. In this episode, you’ll get practical steps you can take to master one transformational role the best middle managers do better than anyone else in an organization. It’s also a vital middle management skill that most middle managers struggle to do well.
Middle Manager Super Power
1:51 Why communication is challenging in this role
2:53 The critical role you must master to thrive and achieve great results and the first step to doing this well
4:04 Translating financial and strategic objectives into meaningful day-to-day work
5:19 Translating executive urgency into productive activity for your team
6:13 Translating employee angst into meaningful and actionable requests
7:22 The unique opportunity you have as a middle manager to create dialog and facilitate meaningful conversations
9:23 Today’s question: I’ve done a 360 evaluation – now what? How do you choose your area of focus, why (and how) to respond to the people who gave you feedback, and an advanced way to include them on your journey – and make it easier for them to invest in their own growth.